Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

You know when its the end of the year...

You know when it's the end of the school year when:
-A normally good student with good grades, grades are dropping.
-When you can't sleep at night.
-Waking up in the morning keeps getting harder.
-When you don't really give a crap what you look like.
-When after school sports are not fun anymore.
-When you leave a banana in your backpack for two days and it gets bruised and squished by your books and opened and got all over your assignments and text books.
-When your note books no longer contain paper.
-When a person who is normall on the ball is procrastinating.
-When you are just now freaking out about your grades.
-When you don't have anymore pens or pencils to use and when you ask people if they have an extra they dont have any either.
-When even the teachers don't want to do anything.
-When you take tests for weeks at a time.
-When you can't remember where you put something you have two minutes ago.


kensers:) said...

i know exactly how you feel:( im so disorganized, and no matter how hard i try, my stupid grades wont budge. ive only got 11 more school days:D

Jordan LaBar said...

Aww...I love the blog! LOL ANd I love this post! So freaking true! :] OH ya and I like the one below it to! ;] HA HA Cute!