Hey guys. Guess what! Randy's all mine! Since today after school. :D I have a good feeling about Randy. He's such a cutie! I know... I'm such a lame-o. But, if you guys were me... You would understand. You know?
Randy just treats me right. You know? He opens doors for me. :D Then, he did something today that just made me smile. He had a penny and he put in on the ground heads up for someone else to grab. Then, at lunch his penny was still there and his friend gave him a nickel so he went and put that nickle heads up next to the penny. But... what was even more weird was in the book stargirl were reading in English ther girl in the book puts coins on the ground for people to pick up. Weird huh?
Randy's so cute. I love getting notes from him. They just make me smile. In English before class started Randy already had a book on his desk, but instead he gave it to me and got up and got himself one. I don't know why that made my day but it did. Do you have any idea how hard it was to NOT smile after that? It was dang hard.

Then, after school he walked me to my bus. I got on the bus today and smiled the whole way home. My sister was next to me singing "She's in love with the boy" over and over again. Little did she know that didn't embarrass me. Just make me more happy. :D All I know is that I sure hope this works out. Cause he is cute! Even some of my friends think so. :D (He's mine. I called first!)
I just hope I can be a good girlfriend to him. I hope I don't become to clingy, or change myself again like I did with the last one to impress him. I hope he doesn't change himself either. I hope everything just stays perfect like it is now. :D Also, I refuse to let him get in the way of my friends and grades like last time. But, It will be better then last time. I can feel it.

1 comment:
aww!! congrats kacee:) im happy for you.
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