Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Well... There's good news, and there is bad news. But... Its the same news...
I'm moving! The reason why that is good is because I seriously need a new start. I need to get away from here. Why? Well, because in this house in my very own kitchen I learned my dad died, and that's where this all started. I got depress and in my very own room I tempted to cut the pain away, I tried to starve myself cause I thought I was getting fat, but that ended up back firing and I stuffed my face and ended up doing the complete opposite... getting fat. Then, I just got angry and now I just need a new start. A home where all these things wont "haunt" me. In case you guys are wondering no I'm not depressed, no I'm not cutting, no I'm not trying to starve myself. I honestly think cross country cured that for me. Also, all that weight I gained and more I lost. :D Wooh!
The reason me moving is bad is because I have people I care about here. Randy, and Jordan mostly. Those two are awesome! I'm going to miss them so much! But, I'm going to see if I can come visit, or if they can come visit me.

And where will I be moving? It sounds like I'm going home to Alaska. :D You see, the bank took our house yesterday. The for sale sign is up, and we have this weird thing hanging on our door knob. Someone is coming to look at our house today at three. After someone decides to buy it we have thirty days to get out.
So far it sounds like the plan is that were going to sale our suburban (sad day I love my suburban its a beast!) and get a new one. We going to fill it up with all the crap were taking and pull a trailer along with. Katie and my mom will drive to Alaska. I will fly with chase up to Alaska, and Steve will stay here and finish out school in an apartment.
Also, my cousins, aunt, uncles, and grandparents will be up there. Also, my older sister will be too!

And I've already decided my cousin Vince is getting forced to teach me guitar. :D

1 comment:

kensers:) said...

I know moving is hard... But I'm selfish and want u up here haha. I miss ur gutts! I want more hilarious memories and I wanna see what new things we will come up with to keep us entertained:) I am personally hoping that the plan you just said will happen. it would b fun going 2 cross country and I'm going to force u to do soccer with me. K?