Blogger Layouts

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I can't wait til I'm eighteen.

Dear the way the world works,

Did you ever think about when you were forming society the pain you would put some of us through?! Seriously!
Who came up with the great idea that you must honor your father and mother?! It's not our fault they had us! We shouldn't have to suffer and honor them. Especially when your parents are just... ugh!
Before my step dad got up here my mom let me hang out with Chris 6 days a week. No problem! But now that he is up here she is trying to act all responsible and crap... Today I learned two rules, no boys in the house, and I can only hang out with him once a week... she told me I knew that... WHAT THE &%**!
This is just the beginning of stupid rules. I will be worse... Just wait... I don't like being told what to do...

I already risk the chance of losing him now that I am moving... Him not seeing me... He explained it and it just wasn't good. I don't want to lose my boyfriend... He's as good as they get.
I just...

ugh... stupid rules... just wait you guys... its going to get worse... a lot worse... I may go emo again.


Puggsoy said...

Parents don't understand their children, and we don't understand parents. Weird revenges like going emo is not going to make anything better, most probably it's gonna make it worse. Just put up with it. They don't hate you.

And by the way, thanks for inviting me!

KaceeL7 said...

I was a while ago, so now everytime i get extremely upset.. i just want to... habit I should have never started.

And no prob!

Puggsoy said...

Sorry if I sounded a bit mentor-ish in my previous post, I didn't read the description of your blog yet. I will be more considerate in the future!

KaceeL7 said...

totally fine, i get it, plus you're allowed to speak your mind.