Chris and I went snowboarding yesterday! It was so much fun! It was warm outside so we were boarding in sweat shirts which is always nice. The mountain wasn't packed so we didn't have to dodge people. He did show off boy tricks while I practiced my "S" turns. In the picture on the left we were sitting in the lodge because he was hungry. So he ate while I took pictures. :D
I think it was our best date yet! Plus, I have strengthened my hips since last time so they didn't hurt at all! Other wise I would have not practiced my "S"turns at all! One time while I was going down I hit like a snowy pot hole and my board stopped but I didn't. Haha. I did a couple front summer salts. It was so embarrassing and Chris saw the entire thing!

On the right is a picture of Chris holding our snow boards. It's my favorite picture of him so far. It should be his senior picture for school or something. Lol. It's THAT good. Lol. In my mind. In that picture we were waiting for the bus to take us to the top of the mounta

While we were going down the mountain Chris told me I was doing so good. (Talking about my snowboarding skills.) Little does he know I am better then that, but I don't want to push it with my hip problems and doing track. But he doesn't know that he has only seen me board the basic crap, but the complement felt good. :D It wasn't the way I look complements. It was an honest one. I'm NOT into lame girly like complements, I'm into lame Kacee like complements. Lol. I JUST LIKED IT OKAY! I'M STUPID I KNOW!
After we went snow boarding we went to Barnes and Noble and he

It was a great date. :D
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