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Monday, March 26, 2012

Running... Bad for you? SINCE WHEN!

Track started last week, and for a running fanatic like me I was excited. I pushed myself super hard and guess what... It is screwing up my health.
Friday morning I couldn't get out of bed. I collapsed and my sister ended up having to carry me up the stairs. I was more sore then everyone else and it didn't make any sense. My mom took me to the doctors and I was there for three and a half hours. (Let me just say... peeing in a cup when your legs keep collapsing is extremely hard.) They ran a bunch of tests and turns out I have some weird thing going on that I can't even say because the work is spelled extremely weird. Turns out the enzyme waste from my muscles breaking down had entered my blood stream and now it can be potentially damaging to my liver and kidneys. The normal level is 200 and mine was at 718. They gave me two bags of fluids to flush my system and told me that I have to go back the next day to be tested again. If it is high they have to hospitalize me. I was also ordered to not exercise anymore and rest as much as possible.
I went back the next day and it only went down to 688. The doctor said the last case he saw was a girl in Colorado and she died from it. I asked if I could go back to track on Monday and he got really mad. He now has to refer me to a sports specialist and I have my physical taken away. I go back in for another blood test today. Wish me luck.
Who knew running could be bad for you? It's extremely unfair that I strive to be healthy and that is the exact thing that is killing me....

1 comment:

valentina said...

oh my god, that's unfair!
i'm really sorry for you, i had a few problems too and i can understand how you feel, and it's really hard, i know.
but everything's gonna be ok, i'm sure!