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Monday, April 9, 2012

Nothing right. Everything wrong.

I went to practice today for the first time since my health scare. I'm kinda depressed right now. I suck. I'm so slow and my legs just burn all the time. My doctors, family, and coaches are all telling me to take it slow. Running isn't exactly a slow sport. I'm frustrated. It seems like nothing comes easy for me.
Running is my get away! I need running to be keep myself sane. I just hope I'll be able to over come this. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. I have always thought of myself as the tough one, but I am realizing lately that I am a whole lot more dependent then I thought I was.


Arundhati said...

Its okay to be depressed as long as you come out of it. And its okay to be sesitive! Everything'll be fine :)

PurpleMist. said...

Oh gosh that sucks. I can't relate to you completely but I have been in the situation where I realised that I'm actually not that good at something I thought I was amazing at.

Keep trying, don't give up and good luck!