Hey Everyone.
So, You notice that in my last post I mention a boy. Yeah. I don't know. I honestly want to be alone. Like I don't want anymore boyfriends for the rest of my life. I'm sick of them all turning into jerks. It's not like I mean for them to turn into jerks. It's not my fault! I swear I didn't do anything to them, but love em. Maybe I just spoiled them. So yeah... I want to be alone until I see him. Goll... It's so annoying.
So... It started out and I joined the cross country team. Duh. We all knew I'd do that. Even though I was pretty sure everyone on the team thought I was weird I kept going. There is only like 4 girls on the team, and I refused to talk to the boys cause I had a boyfriend. The only time I would talk to them was if they made conversation with me... Which wasn't very often. One day during practice we had to do sprint work outs, and everything we do sprint work outs they all take off their shoes so I said,
"Do we have to take off our shoes?" And they all were like,
"No, you don't but you should try it, it feels really good!" I thought about my foot size and said,
"No thanks these are new socks." And then they were all like,
"Well then, take off your socks!" I finally just gave in and said,
"I have freaking huge feet!" and this girl on my team said,
"Oh don't worry I know how you feel I wear size 10." I just kinda looked at her and said,
"We'll.. I wear size 12." and They all kinda got quiet... Yeah... I was pretty embarrassed. Then this boy (the one I now like) had this really concentrated look on his face and then he said,
"What's the shoe size different between boys and girls?" and his friends said,
"1 1/2" and his face lit up and he said,
"Well technically you'd be sharing shoes with me cause he stole all my shoes." I just was like allright, and started sprinting. I didn't think anything of it.
Then, I broke up with Randy, and didn't feel like I had to NOT talk to boys you know?
So, then everytime I would walk into the room we met for cross country I felt like they were always talking me and now that I was in the room they had to be quiet. I always felt like that!
Then, during cross country he asked me why I always looked mad. I told him that I wasn't always mad and that I didn't know what he was talking about! Then, the day later I was running and this boy was trying to splash another girl on my team and it hit me and I was drenched... later on in that practice my coach said that the he had to run with me so I wouldn't get lost. Then, he said,
"Great quality mad time with Kacee!" During that pratice he hit a tree and all the water on the branch from when it started raining fell on me and got me wet... Then I said,
"Wow... If I get wet one more time..." And he then got this look in his eye and hit every tree I ran under... getting me wet. I didn't think much of that either.
Then, in the hallways he would be talking to his friends and he would whisper and they would always look at me. What the heck...
Then, one day I got a friend request on facebook. It was him.
One time after lunch I was waiting by my biology teachers door for her to let us in and his locker was by the door. Then, all the sudden I hear,
"WHAT KACEE HAS PIERCING EYES?!" I turn around to see Him and his friend laughing. So, I just looked and them and said,
"What?" His friend walked away and he said,
"Your eyes pierce my soul."
"What do you mean?!"
"You always look mad, Like even in your facebook pictures. Especially when you had black hair. AH! Piercing eyes!"
"Oh it was you that added me to facebook?! I didn't know who you were!"
"You didn't look at my pictures?!"
"No! That's a little stalkerish don't you think?!"
"He just smiled and walked to his next class."
That's when it hit me... He is really... REALLY cute! So, I get home and look at his facebook pictures and I decided I liked him... Goll. Don't I ever learn!?
That day after school, I had to go to the 8th graders basketball game with my cousin and I DIDN'T want to go! I wanted to go do something else! Then, I got in there and saw him... I then started doing my homework and I pointed him out to paint and she was like,
"Oh he's cute, and he is staring at you too!"
The day after that I was walking in the hallway and as I pass hima nd some chick I hear the chick say,
"Oh is that her?! She's cute!" So... I don't know waht that means, and I didn't see who they were talking about...
I commented on his picture and it stared a huge conversation on facebook.
I hate it. I hate it. I HATE IT! Someone please come tell me what I am getting into! I just decided I am going to let him do everything. If he wants to talk to me... then he can. But I can not to any of it. Chances are he will move on and I can stick with homework, running, and food. I'm good with that.
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