Blogger Layouts

Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's gonna get bad,,, before it gets better.

Goll... Everything just sucked for the longest three weeks of my life. All Randy and I did was fight fight fight... he got to the point all he had to say was I don't care while I was trying to fix everything. He was getting so mean to me... and I couldn't handle it. He acted like he didnt care about me. Then, he wanted to take a girl on a date... and that just really bothered me... then he chewed me out cause I talked to an old guy friend on the phone that I havent talked to in like five years! I was so mad... Finally I asked and said,
"I'm loosing you aren't I?" And he said,
"I don't know"... That broke my heart. I thought about it and decided I was breaking up with him. I would like to think that I belong with someone who at least tries for me you know? Not to mention that same day I tried to go running and my hip wouldnt let me... I broke down on a trail crying cause getting up hurt so bad. So, then I finally stopped crying to get into the house... then my aunt asked how my run went and I just started crying again! I bawled for forever! I lost two impoartant things to me and there was nothing I could do about either... IT was so hard
Things sucked... for like three days... Then This boy started to talk to me... and I dont know if he just made me smile at the wrong time or what... but... hopefully someday he will like me too... since Randy doesn't seem to want to try anymore.

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