Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dear Dad,

Dear Dad,
I don't think it's fair that I don't get a say in any of this. I didn't get a say in anything. I never do! At first it was, "She is too little to make such a big dision." and now it's, "She's just a stupid teenager who thinks she knows everything." IT'S NOT! I'M NOT! I AM MORE WISE THEN ALL MY FRIENDS PUT TOGETHER! Dad it's not fair. I didn't get a say in what happens to me. I didn't get to decide that I wanted my dad dead at thirteen. I DID NOT PUT THIS IN MY "PLAN" UP IN HEAVEN! I didn't get to decide what your funeral song could be, when your funeral day should take place, if you should be buried or burned, and I SHOULD get your ashes for crying out loud!
I don't have closure dad. On a regular day it feels like you're still alive, but when something bad happens it hits me. I didn't think I would miss you this much when i wished that you were dead... That was the one thing I did think I got a say in. UGH! Maybe I wasn't wise then but I am now. A little late you know? Shelbie was right... I do deserve it.

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