Blogger Layouts

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Breaks Over

Spring break is over and I have school tomorrow. The vacation was so nice that getting back into my routine is going to be so hard. I am so burnt out. Then, track is starting offically and I am ready to quit. I don't have enough time in the day or energy to do both. It's so exhausting. Especially when these things don't come as talent for me like they do for other people.
I'm going to need a lot of motivation.

Why I hate family time...

Today would have been an awesome day. We went to the dog sled races, and Chris showed up. It was warm outside. Then my sisters open their freaking mouths. They go on about how they hope I have ten kids. The first set being twins. They hope my first time around I'll get pregnant. ITS NOT FUNNY! That isn't something you joke around with me at. I hate kids. I don't want them and they know that. I don't make fun of them nearly as much as they make funny of me.
When I turn eighteen I'm up and leaving so I don't have to deal with this crap anymore. Just because I'm a freaking girl doesn't mean that I have to like or even have kids. It's not my purpose in life.
The more people say I will do something the more I wont do it. After they were making fun of me in front of a huge group of people I finally stop them by saying well if that does happen I'll just get an abortion.
I'm not kidding either. Then when we get home my mom freaking gets mad at me for saying that. What just because you don't approve of it then its wrong? She said it offends people. YOU KNOW WHAT! PEOPLE WALK RIGHT UP TO ME AND TELL ME MY DAD IS ROTTING IN HELL BECAUSE HE DIDN'T GO TO CHURCH! WASN'T THAT OFFENDING?
Telling me all I am good for is having kids is offending. I hate kids.
I hate family time.
I hate love.
I hate marriage.
I hate society.
I hate when people shove their religion in my face.
I hate it all.
If I don't like it I'll say so.
If my opinions offends you then leave me open to say them. I would have never said that if people didn't bring it up.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Date with Chris =D

Chris and I went snowboarding yesterday! It was so much fun! It was warm outside so we were boarding in sweat shirts which is always nice. The mountain wasn't packed so we didn't have to dodge people. He did show off boy tricks while I practiced my "S" turns. In the picture on the left we were sitting in the lodge because he was hungry. So he ate while I took pictures. :D
I think it was our best date yet! Plus, I have strengthened my hips since last time so they didn't hurt at all! Other wise I would have not practiced my "S"turns at all! One time while I was going down I hit like a snowy pot hole and my board stopped but I didn't. Haha. I did a couple front summer salts. It was so embarrassing and Chris saw the entire thing!
On the right is a picture of Chris holding our snow boards. It's my favorite picture of him so far. It should be his senior picture for school or something. Lol. It's THAT good. Lol. In my mind. In that picture we were waiting for the bus to take us to the top of the mountain instead of a ski lift.
While we were going down the mountain Chris told me I was doing so good. (Talking about my snowboarding skills.) Little does he know I am better then that, but I don't want to push it with my hip problems and doing track. But he doesn't know that he has only seen me board the basic crap, but the complement felt good. :D It wasn't the way I look complements. It was an honest one. I'm NOT into lame girly like complements, I'm into lame Kacee like complements. Lol. I JUST LIKED IT OKAY! I'M STUPID I KNOW!
After we went snow boarding we went to Barnes and Noble and he bought us hot chocolate. Haha. He knows me so well! After we went to his house had dinner and played the WII.
It was a great date. :D

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Background

Hey Everyone,
I needed something new on myblog. I hope everyone likes it. I'm not much into the corny love stuff, but for some reason I liked this layout. Although I dont really like the fairy Chick on the back ground so my blog could be changed again soon. Also, Check out my new playlist at the very bottom of my blog. There is some cute boy bands that I am just getting into in my playlist.

Today has been super boring. I am currently waiting for my mom to get off work so I can go to the gym. We didn't get to go last night and I was super upset about it.

Check up on new years resolutions:
-Get running again despite if my hips hurt.
CHECK! I am on the track team, and have been running fifty five minutes everyday for five days a week. On Wednesday I ran six miles!
-Actually do weight lifting. Cause I know the second I walk into the class with just boys I'll freak especially if I don't know them.
CHECK I went to the school weight lifting once but I felt dumb. My step dad used to be a personal trainer, but I have been weight lifting with him three days a week.
-Get good grades, and hang out with friends... Yeah... That one will be hard lol.
I'll let you know at the end of the school year haha. I'm to chicken to look at my grades right now.
-Stay with Chris after the move. Cause I know I'll regret losing him.
CHECK! Even through only seeing each other once a week!
-Yeah that six pack you've been wanting... actually get it this time... Even if you have to steal Perry's magic belt.
Does anyone have any advice? Cause I'm giving it my all!
No job, but I do have a membership. So half check?
-Community service for scholarships.
I'll get on it.
-Don't dye hair...
so far check!
-Don't use phone after ten... oh... this will be hard.
Can we just erase this one?
-Healthy food like last year.
so far pretty dang good! Compared to living in Utah Check
-Visit Utah.
Taking donations
-Drivers License... get on it.
Got my permit! So I'm getting there.
-Keep 4.0 or start on getting that associates degree.
Working on it.
-learn to play piano.
um... maybe ill save this for summertime.

Okay so pretty good, but seriously I need advice for a six pack.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A little bit of catch up

It's defiantly been an interesting past couple weeks.
-I lit my hair on fire at school, and spend the day smelling like burnt hair.
-I ran to the bus.
-I kept forgetting lunches... And when I don't eat, I get angry.
-My poor sister got the worst haircut ever I pulled a muscle in my side laughing so hard at her.
-Chris surprised me with flowers after track practice on day. Normally I would have thought it was corny but my week was so bad I actually liked them.
-I got switched out of my math teachers class because my mom and sisters got in a yelling fight with her at parent teacher conference.
-A boy I didn't know caressed my back in the hallway, and now I catch me staring at me all the time.
-Track started, and for the first time in my life I hate it. Due to my coach hating me.
-I sliced my finger open and burnt it while making a bead in jewelry class.
-I made a horrible impression of a dinosaur at the gym and turned around to some weird looks from two teenage guys.

... do I need to go on?

So, One morning while I was house sitting for my aunt I woke up to a call from Chris. He knew I was house sitting because we hung out the night before and he had to drop me off there. He said,
"Hey come outside." So, I did and there he was standing there with a cup of hot chocolate for me. Not just any though. It was a certain hot chocolate that was from my favorite hot chocolate place. It's so good tasting its unreal! Not only that, but it was a freaking huge size of it. I hugged him and went back to bed. Not even five minutes later I woke up and realized that there was a warm hot chocolate sitting next to me. I was so happy! I sat wrapped up in a blanket sipping hot chocolate in a cold house. It was nice!
Until I got up and realized my outfit didn't match, I had no make up on, and my hair looked like a lions main.
But that's besides the point!
Later that night he picked me up and we went to the ice park with his family. It was so much fun. It's crazy how excited the ice park made me. We also ate at chili's. It was fun.