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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pathetic attempt to start a new life haha

It's been two and a half months. Two and a half months of home work, and failed attempt to make any friends. What a pathetic way to start life in Alaska. I would have friends if I had time to focus on them, but I don't. Teachers here must have no lives, because they absorb themselves in students lives by giving them homework. What a sorry excuse to imprint your being on 200 students every night. Wouldn't you agree?
Notice that running isn't in my list of things? Yeah. Well. Needless to say I have the worst possible hips God could have given me. I'm on so many medicians it's insane. Walking to much hurts them. I'm losing my muscle mass, and I have been told many times that I look like I'm not eating. I do eat. When I have time. Which isn't much. It's been decided that running needs to take part in my life or I will have lost myself. That's final. And it doesn't help I keep having dreams my sister has a six pack. Needless to say my new years resolution is going to be the same it has been for the past.... five years.

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