Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Background

Hey Everyone,
I needed something new on myblog. I hope everyone likes it. I'm not much into the corny love stuff, but for some reason I liked this layout. Although I dont really like the fairy Chick on the back ground so my blog could be changed again soon. Also, Check out my new playlist at the very bottom of my blog. There is some cute boy bands that I am just getting into in my playlist.

Today has been super boring. I am currently waiting for my mom to get off work so I can go to the gym. We didn't get to go last night and I was super upset about it.

Check up on new years resolutions:
-Get running again despite if my hips hurt.
CHECK! I am on the track team, and have been running fifty five minutes everyday for five days a week. On Wednesday I ran six miles!
-Actually do weight lifting. Cause I know the second I walk into the class with just boys I'll freak especially if I don't know them.
CHECK I went to the school weight lifting once but I felt dumb. My step dad used to be a personal trainer, but I have been weight lifting with him three days a week.
-Get good grades, and hang out with friends... Yeah... That one will be hard lol.
I'll let you know at the end of the school year haha. I'm to chicken to look at my grades right now.
-Stay with Chris after the move. Cause I know I'll regret losing him.
CHECK! Even through only seeing each other once a week!
-Yeah that six pack you've been wanting... actually get it this time... Even if you have to steal Perry's magic belt.
Does anyone have any advice? Cause I'm giving it my all!
No job, but I do have a membership. So half check?
-Community service for scholarships.
I'll get on it.
-Don't dye hair...
so far check!
-Don't use phone after ten... oh... this will be hard.
Can we just erase this one?
-Healthy food like last year.
so far pretty dang good! Compared to living in Utah Check
-Visit Utah.
Taking donations
-Drivers License... get on it.
Got my permit! So I'm getting there.
-Keep 4.0 or start on getting that associates degree.
Working on it.
-learn to play piano.
um... maybe ill save this for summertime.

Okay so pretty good, but seriously I need advice for a six pack.

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