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Monday, June 6, 2011

It seems impossible...

to get on Varsity Cross Country here. All the schools I have ever been to were small and you were on varsity even if you walked the entire course. Here, you actually have to compete. I'm not competitive, I just like to run. In other schools that was enough, here it's not. I want this so bad, but I don't know if I can achieve it!
Maybe this summer Chris will teach me to be competitive. I wish I was competitive, but I'm not. I'd rather just enjoy the new running course then worry about the girls passing me.
I was reading all the requirements that I have to do to be on Varsity, and they are insane. I actually have to keep a calendar with my running miles, and times on them. What? lol What happened to running for fun!?!?! I have to run at least six hours a week, run at least six days, and i am not allowed to run on pavement... I live in town... how is that supposed to work?
It doesn't help my coach thinks I am a freak... BLAH!

1 comment:

Adarsh Rao said...

...."I am not competitive" -- If you weren't, why would you take part in races eh? I mean, why would you even have taken the pain to check the requirements?.......

"I have to run at least six hours a week, run at least six days." -- Err....Out of the 168 hours in a can't run 6 hours?...Cmon.. I mean, if you'd spend the time running instead of watching movies, you would be able to do it right?....I's not impossible to do so....

"It doesn't help my coach thinks I am a freak" -- ....May I know how you came on this conclusion?.....