Blogger Layouts

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. ~Oprah Winfrey

All over the world people are planning on going to the gym two times a day. They are planning on eating right, and they plan on no longer smoking. They want to save their money, and want to get out of debt. They plan on finding their true love, or simply finding someone to kiss on the New Year. Within three weeks all New Years Resolutions are most likely going to go down the drain. LIFE gets in the way. At the beginning of the year we like the idea of starting over. Even though its just a day, it's hope. It is the idea that things can be fixed that drives us to light fireworks and write lists.
So, although I am usually the Grinch of all holidays I decided that New Year's isn't so bad. I could DEFIANTLY use a new beginning.

#1 Don't be so uptight.
I am so hard on myself, and I worry SO much. Don't get me wrong when you worry it means you care, but if that is the case I need to care a little less. Being uptight just makes me stress. So, I need to care a little less.

#2 Spend more time hanging out with friends, and less time working on homework.
I know right!? Most people say they want to do better in school. But those of you who have been following my blog for a while know that I'm hardwired all upside down and backwards. So yes, if car broke down my algebra two book isn't gonna come save me from forty below, hopefully my friends will.

#3 Learn to gut a fish, and go hunting.
I'm memory of my dad. Miss him a ton, and want to keep the mud flowing through my veins. All this make up and nice clothes is hiding who I really am... as one of my best friends would say, I'm a tomboy gone pretty.

#4 Learn guitar.
I want to know what Brian feels when he is playing guitar. It's such a pretty instrument, and I have one. What the heck, why don't I learn to play it?

#5 Learn to love the people and things I hate.
Believe it or not, I do still have some faith. Whether it is in God or the universe or what I ever I still believe in trying to be a better version of myself. So why not try to love the things I hate so much?

#6 Get Healthy.
It's important to being happy.

#7 Get license
This means I can no longer allow myself to pass out... ha ha like I can control it, but I really want to be able to get myself places without having someone drive me there and back ya know?

So last years resolutions that I succeeded in achieving:
Get running again despite of my hips
Get good grades
stay with Chris after I move (we stayed together for a while after i moved so it counts)
Get a job at FAC
community service for scholarships
don't dye hair
visit Utah

Ones not accomplished
weight lifting
hang out with friends
six pack ha ha
no phone after ten
healthy eating ALL the time (had a couple bowls of ice cream here and there)
drivers license

Good luck to the new, and being a better you!


Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays, Kaceel7!

May your days be filled with happiness and grace ^.^

Adarsh Rao said...

Good luck on those resolutions!

I'm a bit skeptical about the 2nd one though.

By the way, I'm pretty sure you meant "Definitely" and not "Defiantly"....

KaceeL7 said...

first of all... the second one is something i need to work on. I worry abotu school so much it makes me physically sick.
and second of all its my blog, and i can spell words wrong if i want to

Adarsh Rao said...

...okay... I was just saying.