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Monday, January 16, 2012

The best cup of hot chocolate I have ever had.

Lets rewind a little bit to October 28. Day number two of Brian and I being together. He had asked me out in my family's haunted house while we were scaring people, and the next day he volunteered again. He got in the car with one of those really fancy coffee cups. Like the ones made of like plastic and metal that you put your coffee in like when you go places so it wont spill, and he hands it to me. I thought I was like holding it for him or something, and for a split second I was thinking, Oh my gosh, this relationship is not going to be like this. I am not making you sandwiches, I am not cleaning up your crap, and I'm definately not going to hold YOUR coffee for you. Then he said something along the lines of, "That's hot chocolate, and I got it for you." Yeah, that stopped those thoughts right in their tracks. I know I am quick to assume, but I heard people always say "Never settle for less then what you deserve." So, I spend a good while thinking about him and how he made me hot chocolate, and back then he didn't know how much I LOVE hot chocolate. I felt pretty guilty to drink it though I'm going to have to admit. I thought those rude thoughts about him, I want quick to judge him, and he ended up being like the biggest sweet heart ever.
So after a while of sitting in the warming tent which was more like a huge building, he kept repeating drink it! I got it for you, drink it! I felt pretty guilty for not drinking it, but I also felt like I didnt deserve it. Finally I did drink it because I didn't want to make him feel bad, and it turned out to be the best cup of hot chocolate I have ever have. I asked him how he made it and he just kinda shrugged it off. He told me that he makes it like he always does. So I came up with two conclusions, either Brian makes the best hot chocolate in the world, or it was the thought that he made it for me without me even asking him to that made it taste so good. I don't know, but since then I have been trying different types of hot chocolate and I just can't seem to find one that tastes as amazing as that one did.
So moral of today's post... You know you have found the perfect guy when:

  • He gets, makes, or buys you something that you LOVE and he didn't even know you loved it.

  • He brings out the better in you.

  • He doesnt treat you like a sandwhich making, Cinderella who holds his coffee for him.

  • and if he makes extremely good hot chocolate.

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