Blogger Layouts

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Healthy is a Lifestyle.

I got my results back from my therapist. I have been diagnosed with depression, bereavement, anger management, and anxiety. Doesn't that all make you guys not want to read my blog anymore? haha. I am not as crazy as that diagnosis makes me sound haha... I hope!
I've been doing alot of thinking about my life recently. I have looked at things that I am doings well, things that I am doing good, and things that just don't matter. I want to make some changes based on really what I feel when I am with Brian.
Now I know that it sounds stupid, but I ask that you all just hear me out. I have never been that girl that was really obsessed over every guy I have ever dated. I was always the one planning my life knowing that soon my boyfriend wouldn't be in it. I realize that I am just a teenager and statistics are against me when it comes to teen relationships actually lasting but with Brian it's different.
He pulls out a part of me that I try SO hard to be. He makes me feel alive again. When I am with him I don't stress out. I don't lash out at people, and I dont just float through life, I feel like I'm actually living it. Brian makes me smile, and me makes me feel good mentally because I am not stressing about homework and crap, and he makes me feel good physically because he takes my flaws and compliments them. It's just nice.
So I thought about who I am with Brian and I have been trying to think about goals that will bring me closer to being the person I am when I am with Brian. I need to realize school is important, but so are my hobbies. I need to go to the gym more and eat more healthy because I LOVE IT. I need to write poems again, and dream up crazy things again.
I need to find a happier me, I just need to find the motivation to do it.


PurpleMist. said...

Glad to read that you're determined to make a change. I'm sure you can do it. Good luck :)

CATGIRL !! said...

ah anger management. if ur fire sign of zodiac then it comes wid teh constellations my dear :-))

Nice blog outlook and interesting write-ups. I write on relationships mostly as well as some funny stuff.
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