Blogger Layouts

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Today and yesterday was pretty fun. I went to Megan's house and we went to Jared's concert thing together. Kade was with us so I hung out with Rachelle.
Rachelle, and I took Rachelle's dad's keys and unlocked the auditorium upstairs. There is a big stage with props and stuff. We turned off the lights put blue lights on and plugged my phone into the sound system and did interpretive dancing to the song "Fireflies" by Owl City. I was pretty fun in my opinion.
The concert was fun but way too loud for my taste. My ears were burning.
What makes me angry is "Shelly" warned Jared not to talk to her. Rachelle said Shelly went and told him to not talk to her. She makes me so angry. She WAS flirting with him. He even admitted she was. Friends don't do that to each other. She promised me and broke that promise. Friends don't do that to each other, and I refuse to forgive her with out an apology. Sure, I broke up with him but friends are not supposed to ever flirt with another friends Ex boyfriend. I'm so upset with her.
The concert night was over we went back to Megan's house and fell asleep. We woke up at about 10:00am and had honey bunches of oats for breakfast. Then, we did our hair and by then it was lunch time so we went to Reed's and ate. Then, I fell asleep on her couch until my mom picked me up.
Then, I got back to my house and invited Jordan over. We had dinner and played the wii. It was fun.

1 comment:

Mckensie Sorensen said...

was it an actually concert? im going to just make a new email and then a new blogger k? i have way to many blogs on this one and its annoying:( i will invite u and let you know what my new email is:D