Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


My mom, step dad, sisters and I walked into the room where my grandpa laid and everyone began to cry. Except for me. I watched as my mom held my grandpas hand and told him that grandma was going to kill him because he died before she got back. All I could do was stare at him. That wasn't MY grandpa. MY grandpa was not orange, and his teeth did not look like that either. We went back to the room and waited for my cousins aunt and uncle to get there. When they got there I walked them to the room where he was. On the way I explained to my cousin Mckade that grandpa is going to look a little yellow.
My Aunt Haley walked in first. She started sobbing so loud that the nurse's at the desk even looked up. She was crying so loud that my cousin Mckade just turned around and went back. He didn't want to see grandpa. My aunt began yelling for her husband to be in there with her. He went in and then my cousin Payton and Jen went in and I followed. Payton started crying so hard. I grabbed for her and she practically collapsed in my arms when she was crying. Her dad hugged her and she ran out of the room. All I did was stare at grandpa again and listened to my aunt cry. I kept wanting to tell grandpa so many things but I couldn't bring myself around to saying any of it. All I could do was stare. I covered his hand up with the sheet so that he wouldn't be cold... Like that mattered anymore. Finally I said,
"I love you grandpa, tell my dad I said hi." As I walked back to the other room I just felt tears fall from my eyes. By the time I walked back in the room my whole face was just wet with tears. We all sat there and my Uncle Daren said,
"I got to get home and clean up all the blood before grandma gets home." I sat there wondering blood? What blood? I thought he died peacefully with no pain!
We get back to Uncle Daren's house and he was sitting on grandpas bed with Aunt Haley. Uncle Daren had the Copenhagen he got for grandpa in his hand and said,
"I tried to do CPR but the blood just kept coming out! I couldn't get it to stop long enough for him to get a breath!" He began crying, and all I could do was stand there in horror wondering what the heck my grandpa went through...
We got home and I couldn't sleep at all. I went into the front room and there my mom laid wide awake her face red from crying. I sat next to her and she said,
"I don't know how you guys did this. I never knew losing your dad could give you such a horrible feeling inside! You guys got the raw end of the deal. I had my dad growing up, you guys didn't."
I just sat there hugging her. That's all I could do. I didn't know what to say.
Grandma flew home and went to see grandpa. Grandma is really sad. She said she doesn't know what to do anymore. She said she waited on him her entire life and now she has nothing to do with her time. She says she doesn't have to worry about cooking him dinner or calling him to tell her where she was at.