Blogger Layouts

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Turn of the tides

Here in a little while my sister is going to come pick me up to go to the gym with her. I'm super excited to go. I LOVE working out. Even if you havent lost anything, or if you are not toned at all you still look at yourself differently in the mirror... and im pretty sure im addicted to it... just saying.
ANYWAYS! This persuaded me to go look up some quotes, and I found some super funny ones that made me smile pretty big. So, I though I would share the love.

The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, running down their friends, side-stepping responsibility, and pushing their luck!
Author Unknown

The word aerobics came about when the gym instructors got together and said, "If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it jumping up and down.
Rita Rudner

I believe that every human has a finite number of heart-beats. I don't intend to waste any of mine running around doing exercises.
Buzz Aldrin

Whenever I feel like exercise, I lie down until the feeling passes.
Robert M. Hutchins

I really don't think I need buns of steel. I'd be happy with buns of cinnamon.
-Ellen DeGeneres

Aerobics: a series of strenuous exercises which help convert fats, sugars, and starches into aches, pains, and cramps.

Exercise is a dirty word. Every time I hear it, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.

I consider exercise vulgar. It makes people smell.
-Alec Yuill Thornton

If your dog is fat, you're not getting enough exercise.


-Daniel Worona


SKINNY PEOPLE TICK ME OFF!!! Especially when they say things like, "You know sometimes I forget to eat." Now I've forgotten my address, my mother's maiden name, and my car keys, but I have never forgotten to eat. You have to be a special kind of stupid to forget to eat.

I'm bringing sexy back (in a couple of months)

I'm in no shape to exercise

God must love calories, because he made so many

Of course I'm in shape . Isn't Round a Shape?

I'd hit the gym more if it had a smoking section

Haha. All these quotes are like against what I think of getting physical activity but they still made me smile lol.