Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Good to bad in a blink of an eye...

I had a great a great day. School was fun, I finally got caught up with school work, and I felt like trying again... something that I thought would never happen ever. I have amazing new friends and a super cute new boyfriend.
Then I get home and read what my aunt posts on stupid face book about how the month of November is a bad month for her because her brother in law passed away and that his daughter was getting married on the 26th which was also his death day...
Yeah... boom... good day turned bad. I can't take this! I'm going to get brutally honest here. I hope no one in my family reads this cause I will probably get grounded for life, and hated by my family for life as well, but I don't care...
My sister is just putting her wedding on my dads death day because she wants the attention. She is turning a day that is meant to miss and remember my dad into a day all about her. A day people will feel bad for her, and give her the attention.
Of course I can't say anything because if I do every one is going to call me selfish and tell me that I am going to have problems accepting life when I get older and crap. There going to tell me that I need counseling and crap. WHAT EVER PUT ME IN IT! There is nothing better then having someone sit and listen to you complain instead of telling you what you are doing wrong with your life, and how you should change. IN FACT! They are paid to listen to me complain, even better!
Hey while I'm at it! I don't want to wear a stupid dress or high heels. I never asked to be a brides maid, and I sure as crap don't want to listen about weddings! That is so... AVERAGE! If you truly loved someone you wont need a paper to tell the government you love them. You wont need a freaking ring to prove to everyone they you are together! You will be happy just standing next to them and holding their freaking hand!
No one asked me if I was okay with her putting her wedding on my dad's death day. SHE ASKED MY OTHER SISTER BUT NOT ME! There is 364 other days in the freaking year go pick another one. Everyone tells me that its a symbolic thing that she wants her dad there on her wedding day... I WANT A DAD THERE TO TEACH ME TO DRIVE A CAR, YELL AT ME FOR GRADES, THREATEN MY DATES AT THE DOOR WITH A GUN, TEACH ME TO CHANGE A TIRE, TAKE ME HUNTING, TAKE ME FISHING, AND ALL THAT! SHE GOT THAT! I DID NT! YOU DON'T SEE ME GOING FISHING EVER NOVEMBER 26!
but no... I have to sit back and let them do what ever the hell they want with my dad's memory ... oh yeah... AND ME! CAUSE I'M SELFISH IF I DON'T WEAR A SLUTTY DRESS AND HIGH HEELS FOR ONE NIGHT!


the unhappy camper...

1 comment:

PurpleMist. said...

That is so NOT fair to you, ugh, people can be so inconsiderate :/