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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Boyfriend, The importance of Opinions, and Foreign Exchange Student.

This post is a mix of the three major things that are on my head right now. Sorry for the random topics.

My boyfriend: Lately Chris and I haven't been like... us. I know its because we never really get to see each other. We fight about everything, and get upset with each other easily. Although the fights are actually important topics to fight about unlike the average teenage boyfriend and girlfriend fighting... It still sucks. Lately he has been asking questions regarding me, him, and our relationship... I feel like he wants to break up. I don't want to. I wont find a guy like him ever again. He is so sweet, and doesn't mind how different I am. He accepts my good and bad sides. No guy has ever really understood the unique side of me. I just don't know how to answer his questions with the correct answer so I wont lose him. I don't want to lose him. Ugh... Not to mention he just got accepted into a college... not close to here... I already miss him enough... and that right there is a good enough excuse for him to break up with me. On the other hand I am super excited and proud of him. That side I decided to show, because I don't want him to lose such a great opportunity over a stupid girl complaining she will miss him.
I don't know what to do.

The Importance of Opinions: Today I was watching history presentations (which I didn't have to do because I am a new student) and the topic was diplomatic controversy in history... or something along those lines. There was projects on the both sides of abortion, music and giving opinions about government, women becoming a state senate, and the women's right to vote. I was surprisingly interested in all the projects. I think that main reason why is because I am the most opinionated person ever. I speak my mind, and I am far from blending in. Without the different opinions and people standing up for them I would be even more "put in my place" then I am now. I can't stand being like everyone else. It makes me suicidal. No offense to those of you who are chill with the idea, but that just isn't what I picture myself doing. I picture being miserable if I did. In English today they were talking about a book called "Fahrenheit 451". They read it before (I haven't read it yet) but apparently its about years from now everyone is the same because books were burned. It was about the majority of people accepting a certain way and living the same lives where everyone is the same. THAT WOULD SUCK! I don't know. After hearing about that book I want to read it, and after listening to the presentations I am so thankful that everyone has different opinions and it isn't just me. I'd be screwed if they didn't. Crazy how two completely different classes like come together and build onto each other...

Foreign Exchange Student: Today in Spanish 2 we had a guest speaker from a little island country near like the middle east come in and speak to us about her country. Then, the lady she was traveling with talked to us about getting into the foreign exchange program. I am an audio learner so of course I took all of that and really broke it apart in my mind. I decided I really want to do it. Like why not? I am used to moving. I am used to cultural difference. I am used to new people. Why shouldn't I do it? I would like to go to a Spanish speaking country like Peru so I can become fluent. This may sound crazy but sometimes I find myself thinking inside my head in the little Spanish sentences I know. I don't know, but I really want to do.

Sorry for being so random. Those were just mainly on my mind. Also, I havent posted in a while due to reading a book for English to get caught up. Los siento.


Mr. Gargus said...

I'll put my thought for each subject separately.

Your Boyfriend: I'm probably going to sound like your mom here, but relationships at this age aren't supposed to last. And if he does break up with you, I'm sure you can find someone else that is just as good, if not better than him. I used to date this really hot, really popular chick, and when my parents made me break up with her, I didn't think I could find another girl like her that would take a nerdy, un-athletic guy that they usually date. But I found someone better. And so will you. There are plenty of asshole out there, but there is also plenty of really good, caring guys out there as well. You just need to look in the right places.

Opinions: Farenheit 451 is really good. But I haven't finished it yet. I need to find it again and start reading it.

Foreign Exchange: Yeah, that would be a cool experience. I would definitely do it.

Puggsoy said...

It's fine that you post about random stuff. The only blog I know that doesn't talk about random stuff is mine.

I know what you mean by just being another regular person. I think everyone wants to be special, but it just doesn't work out for everyone. If it did, we wouldn't have plumbers. But I don't know how life will turn out. I just hope that I have a rich one. Not as in "heaps of money" rich... you know what I mean.

Hope you and Chris don't get too far apart... although I'm not sure if I should comment on that.

KaceeL7 said...

Mr. Gargus: My aunts relationship at 16 lasted. there still together. Just because majority of them dont last doesn't mean mine wont.
Its different then you think. I don't plan of getting married and living happily ever after. That is really lame. I don't want a happily ever after. I just like having Chris around. He is more my best friend then a boyfriend. He's more like a best friend I can cuddle up next to. There's a reason I don't want to let this relationship go.
by the way. there aren't nice caring guys out there. Find a good guy is harder then you think it is.
... sorry it that sounded mean... but ask most girls... its true.

Sami: I hope you have a rich life. That would be fantastic. :D