Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New beginning... Lets make it a good one.

So, I was thinking, new year, new school, new start! Heck let's try not to complain so much! seriously... If I believe in a heaven, which I'm not sure I do, I wont make it cause I don't know how to not complain. I need to be like thankful for... something... I know I have gone through my fair share of crap... possibly enough for 2 other people but I seriously need to fix this negative thing.
School today was interesting. I really had no problem finding my classes cause I asked ALL the teachers I could see... ha ha it was great. The classes so far seem easy enough. I only did one hours worth of homework. Which is... weird... I am so bored I don't know what to do with myself...
I saw many old friends from the elementary school I used to go to, and they all seemed stunned it was me... I kept being told I look extremely different. Most of them didn't recognize me. To be honest... I don't really care much for them, most of them were so rude to me! But they seemed excited to see me which was kind of interesting.
We will see how things play out you know?!

On the other hand, I freaking miss my boyfriend so freaking much! He is so cute, and I miss him by my locker to greet me! Ah I know I am being lame but I miss his smile and his gorgeous insanely blue eyes! I know he isn't gone and I get to see once a week him but once a week isn't enough!
That's not the only problem... I am so jealous even when I am standing right there when he is talking to other girls, I can't imagine what its like when I am gone. I don't want to loose him for another girl. That boy just means so much to me! He says he worries he will lose me for another guy, but I secretly wonder if that is a reverse sycology thing saying I am going to loose him for another girl.
Everyone I have talked to says he seems really happy. I wonder... cause he talks to me and sounds upset all the time. I don't know... I sure hope my boyfriend isn't two faced. :(
He means to much to me you know?!
I sat at school today and missed him so bad like it hurt... like my insides ached thinking about it... like... when you feel so bad about something wrong you did that you worry so much your stomach hurts... that feeling. I wanted to talk to him so bad, and when I called he seemed like he didn't want to talk...
He's great. He really is I am just overly worrying about losing him... Everyone says not to worry he is a good guy. (told you! he is amazing!)

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