Blogger Layouts

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tom boy gone pretty? ...

I guess I should have realized some of the things that come with having a boyfriend. Prom and in my case military ball. Great expectations. I hate responsibility and being expected to be certain way.
When asked to go to prom and a ball I guess I'm supposed to get excited and spend hours preparing for it. I guess I am supposed to feel like some princess or something? I am supposed to like... get a spray on tan, and like wear a pretty dress and high heels... right?
No. I have a strict no dresses, skirts, or and dressy outfit policy. You can't pay me a million dollars to wear a dress. I wear make up, and do my hair, but deep down I like playing in the mud and fishing! I never wanted to go to prom. I do not wear high heels cause I don't need it. I am five ten for heaven sakes. Being all excited over things like that isn't exactly my cup of tea. I don't like to dress up and I don't think things like that are what makes a girl pretty. Or prettier. I think it makes them look stupid. My mom had to scream her lungs out for hours and wrestle a skirt onto me to wear to my dads funeral viewing... Even then I went to his funeral in pants.
Chris wants me to go to the military ball and prom with him, but I don't want to get dressed up at all. I don't even want to wear fancy dress pants. He's asked me like a million times, and I keep finding excuses to not give him an answer. It's against everything I believe in. but then again its his senior year. I don't want to ruin the opportunity for him...


Mr. Gargus said...

this is a tough one. I think you should just tough it out for a little while. You never know, you might get into it after a while. I'm putting emphasis on the might, though.

Mr. Gargus said...

uh, don't publish this one. I keep forgetting to hit subscribe.